Lock picking is a skill that not all know. But it’s not rocket science. It just has to perform perfectly. It has been used for centuries; remember that lock picking should only be used for legal and ethical purposes. You will be in danger if you perform this action for any illegal purposes. I will teach you the basic and most effortless way how to pick a Schlage deadbolt. Let’s dive into it:
How to Pick a Schlage Deadbolt
Step 1: Gather necessary tools: tension wrench and pick set.
In the first step of picking a Schlage deadbolt, you have to grab some tools. No, there are not many tools, only two: tension wrench and pick set. They are very important tools in this process, so that you can take advantage of them.
A tension wrench applies torque or rotational pressure, which helps the key turn in the other. On the other hand, a pick set consists of hooks and picks used to manipulate the pins inside the lock.
Step 2: Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole.
After grabbing the tools, grab a wrench and begin the process by inserting the wrench into the bottom of the hole. Make sure it is securely and snugly inserted. It will act as a key substitute and will allow you to apply gentle pressure in the direction to unlock the key.
Step 3: Apply a gentle amount of pressure in the direction you’d turn the key to unlock.
Once your wrench is set in the bottom, apply gentle pressure in the opposite direction to unlock the deadbolt. This action will create tension in the lock, allowing you to manipulate the pins. Only apply a little pressure so it gets broken, or don’t apply a little pressure. It should be gentle and needed.
Step 4: With the pick, start from the back of the lock and feel for the pins.
After that, pick the pin from your set and manipulate it inside the lock. Insert the pick into the keyhole and feel the pins inside the lock. Once you feel it, push it forward.
Step 5: Try to locate the binding pin, which is the pin that doesn’t move as freely as the others.
Try to use a binding pin. It perfectly works in this situation. Because it does not move freely as other pins do, pushing it upward will make you feel resistance and spring back like other pins.
Step 6: Push the binding pin until you hear or feel a slight click.
After that, push the binding pin upward and maintain the tension with the wrench. You have reached the correct level if you feel or hear the click. This click should appear when there is no longer obstructing the lock cylinder.
Step 7: Continue to maintain tension with the tension wrench throughout.
Continue the process. This will continue to maintain tension with the tension wrench.
Step 8: Move to the next binding pin, repeating the process.
Repeat the process with different pins. This will continue to maintain tension with the tension wrench. While performing this step, be patient and gentle to avoid any damage.
Step 9: Once all pins are set, the core should rotate.
To know whether pins are set or not, rotate the core. If it gets rotated, then it means all pins are set correctly. Rotation is a sign that there is no longer obstruction.
Step 10: Turn the tension wrench fully to disengage the lock.
In the last step, you must turn the tension wrench fully in the direction you have to turn the key to disengage the lock. This step will rotate the core more and will unlock the deadbolt. If you can easily pick the lock, your deadbolt will not be open.
My Opinion
Many of us face a certain situation. Most property dealers have to pick the Schlage deadbolt of their properties. But this action should be performed for a legal purpose. If you use it for an illegal purpose, remember there are many serious legal consequences against it, which can put you in danger.
You can pick a Schlage deadbolt by following the steps above. All step is important and plays a role in the whole process, so you can’t skip any of them. If you feel a problem in any step, then read it again carefully or consult with a professional. Never hesitate to seek guidance from anyone because it’s better to get hurt.