Do you know how deep is kitchen sink? The sink area is one of the most important stations in the kitchen. We spend around two-thirds at the sink doing kitchen work: cleaning vegetables, pouring pasta water into a saucepan, or washing our hands quickly; the kitchen sink and mixer are the water station and cleaning center in the kitchen.
This article will learn enough about how deep a kitchen sink and other vital topics are discussed.
How Deep Is Kitchen Sink
When buying a sink for the kitchen, the first thing to pay attention to is its size. It depends on whether it fits in the allotted place or not and how it will look in the interior, whether it interferes with the work. The standard dimensions of the kitchen sink depending on the shape. For square products, they are 500 by 500 mm, but there are other options.
How to Determine the Size
If the sink will be installed on a curbstone, it is necessary to build on the latter’s dimensions.
Therefore, it is necessary to take two measurements:
- determine the width of the cabinet or cabinet;
- Length, taking into accounts the wing dimensions for placing dishes, cutting boards, and other kitchen utensils.
It is more convenient for right-handers to have a wing-stand on the right side, and for left-handers – on the left.
When choosing the sink’s dimensions, please pay attention to the fact that it does not lie close to the walls after installation. The optimum distance between the wall and the edge of the sink is 5 cm.
You can leave more space for the detergent. In front, the sink should also not run along the cabinet’s very edge; otherwise, clothes will be heavily splashed when washing dishes.
The overhead sink must be chosen precisely under the dimensions of the cabinet.
It is best to draw a diagram of the sink’s location before buying, indicating its dimensions. Then, choosing the dimensions, it will be impossible to make a mistake.
What Depth of the Bowl to Choose
After the transverse and longitudinal dimensions, attention should be paid to the depth of the bowl. The convenience of using the sink depends on this characteristic. The optimum center is 16-19 cm.
This can be called a standard size since such sinks are most often produced. But there are always unusual situations.
Sometimes there is too little space in the room, or you have to buy a sink for a large family, use it as a washbasin. In this case, they deviate from the standards.
How to Choose a Sink for the Kitchen
We equip a corner for washing dishes in the kitchen.
You can’t do without a sink in the kitchen. Whatever we cook, we will need to either pour water into the pan or wash the food, and after cooking, wash the dirty dishes. Therefore, the sink is one of the most critical units in the kitchen.
When answering the question of which sink to choose for the kitchen, there are three main aspects to consider:
- dimensions and shape of the sink
- the material it is made of
- installation method
But the most important thing is that the kitchen sink is convenient, practical, and does not cause any special hassle in cleaning.

How to Determine the Shape and Size of the Sink
The sink’s shape and size are selected based on the kitchen’s size, layout, and design.

Square or Rectangular
It is considered a classic for kitchen sinks. They fit perfectly into any kitchen set, especially if they are installed not in the kitchen corner but the middle of the wall. Square sinks are convenient to wash dishes; they are spacious, often equipped with additional sections and fenders.
Round or Oval
The round kitchen sink looks very stylish. This sink is easy to clean – they have no corners; they are slightly more spacious than square ones. Minus is not always additional sections; most often, it is just a large oval or round bowl built into the countertop.
They are made in the form of a triangle or a beveled trapezoid. They are ideal for small spaces. A corner sink for the kitchen is not the most convenient option for washing dishes, but it saves space.
Pentagonal or Hexagonal
The pentagonal and hexagonal sinks are a modern shape that comes with extra fenders and sections. These sinks are very spacious and can be installed in corners and along the wall—ideal for large kitchens.
Size and Depth
How to find the optimal sink dimensions? There are a few rules to remember.
- choose such dimensions that the distance from its sides to the wall, the edge of the tabletop, or the sidewalls of the cabinet in which it is built is at least 5 cm
- The depth of the bowl should be 15 – 20 cm. This is the optimal size: too shallow bowls may spray water. While discovering that the sink is deep, bend over strongly while washing dishes.
A deeper sink makes sense if you plan to wash baking trays and large pots frequently.
- standard square sinks are available in sizes 50×50 or 60×60 cm, rectangular – 50 cm wide, and 55, 80, 100, 125 cm and more in length
- round sinks are most often produced in sizes from 45 to 55 cm
Tip: For a very small kitchen, use a smaller sink and compensate for the size with the bowl’s depth.
Number of Bowls
In addition to simple sinks with one wash compartment, there are sinks with two or three bowls. The sections in them can be either equal in volume or differ significantly. A sink with two equal-sized bowls is a functional solution. For example, in one, you can wash dishes, and in the other, you can soak a frying pan or saucepan. Save time and space.
A double kitchen sink with different sized sections will also make your life easier. A large one can be used for washing dishes, a small one for vegetables and fruits. A sink with three compartments (usually two standards and one smaller) takes up a lot of space and looks harmonious only in a spacious kitchen. It is suitable for passionate food lovers or large families.
Sinks with or without a wing
Wings are another important part of the wash. This is a special surface with gutters through which water flows back into the sink. In the smooth models, water does not stagnate due to the tilt towards the sink. Options without wings or with narrow surfaces are suitable for people who spend little time in the kitchen.
If you cook a lot and often, such an additional space next to the sink will be very useful. It is convenient to put clean dishes here for drying, unwashed fruits, vegetables, spatulas, and other bowls during cooking.
Materials in which Kitchen Sink are made of
Stainless steel
The best-selling and most common sinks are stainless steel. They are not afraid of acids and other aggressive detergents, temperature extremes, and mechanical stress. The metal sink is durable and environmentally friendly.
There are also several downsides.
The first is a loud noise from a stream of water falling to the bottom of the bowl. A special noise-absorbing gasket is glued under the sink’s base (usually included with the sink and is already glued).
The second drawback is that the sink’s glossy or matte surface is covered with small scratches over time.

How to Choose a Stainless Steel Sink?
- When going to the store, take a magnet with you. If the magnet is attracted to the sink, it is not stainless steel, or low-quality stainless steel (not food grade)
- The optimum steel thickness for washing is 2 – 3 mm. Thinner shells will “walk” and bend, and dents will appear on them. Also, it is impossible to fit a heavy mixer well on a narrow sink.
- The sink can be one-piece, i.e., stamped from one whole sheet of metal, or welded: from two or more parts with welded seams. The first, one-piece option is naturally preferable.
- They are also noisy and weigh more.
This option is suitable for a country house, but not for a modern kitchen.
Ceramic sinks are made of earthenware or porcelain and covered with special protective enamel. These are very stylish sinks that will fit well in Provence or country interiors and classic ones. They perfectly withstand temperature extremes and do not make noise.
Enamel on ceramic sinks does not oxidize, does not scratch; it is easy and simple to care for. The disadvantage of ceramic sinks is their fragility; they can crack even due to a small blow. Besides, they are heavy and require professional installation.
Natural Stone
A sink made of natural stone (granite, onyx, marble) looks amazing for the kitchen, but it is expensive.
As a rule, stone sinks are made piece by piece, according to individual orders. They are practically silent, strong, and durable, do not scratch or break: cons – high price, heavyweight, and the need for special care products.
Artificial Stone
A kitchen sink made of artificial stone is much more practical and cheaper. Most often, they are made of granite and marble chips, bonded with a special acrylic compound. There are also models made of quartz sand.
Pros – durability, impact resistance, the ability to completely absorb water noise.
They tolerate temperature changes well and do not require special care. Separately, it is worth noting many colors and shades of artificial stone, allowing you to choose a sink to match the kitchen set’s countertop. Cons – they are heavy, and their installation requires the participation of professionals.
In addition to the above materials, you can find acrylic composite sinks for the kitchen on sale. Like sinks made of artificial stone, they perfectly absorb noise and are easy to clean, and are available in different colors. But at the same time, acrylic sinks are less durable and do not tolerate high temperatures.
How to Install a Sink in the Kitchen?
The method of installing the sink is also different.
Overhead Method
By the way, modular kitchen sets usually include a cabinet with an overhead sink by default.
Cut-in Method
The second most popular is the mortise. The inset sink for the kitchen is built into the worktop and protrudes slightly above its surface. For this, a hole is cut in advance in the countertop before installation according to the sink’s size and shape. It is ideal for round, oval and polygonal bowls.
Under-table method
The third method is under the table when the sink is below the level of the tabletop. It is convenient, hygienic but requires the work of professional installers.
Integrated Sink
The most beautiful and effective (and most expensive) way is sinks integrated into the countertop. The countertop and sink are a single structure, usually made of natural and artificial stone or plastic.
Buying Accessories for your Kitchen Sink
The sink’s standard set is the bowl itself and many plumbing fixtures: drain, elbow, and pipes. But for different models of sinks, additional accessories may be provided:
- Additional taps, for example, a tap for filtered drinking water. If you plan to install it, buy a sink with an extra hole
- Mesh on the bottom of the bowl to protect it from scratches and chips. They can be supplied as a set and can be purchased separately.
- Strainers and drain grates for collecting small food residues
- Removable dish dryers for the size of the sink. As a rule, they are not sold complete with a sink, but it will not be difficult to buy this convenient thing for the size.
- Disposer or waste shredder. It is installed before draining and crushes all food waste and cleaning, after which they have washed down the drain without clogging it. The disposer is powered by the mains and requires a separate socket for connection.
Kitchen Sinks Size for 30-Inch Cabinet
The size of the cabinet and tabletop It is logical that the sink bowl can be as small as the cabinet, but not larger; therefore, to determine the size of the sink for the kitchen, first of all, take two measurements: the width of the cabinet frame (cabinet); if you want to buy a sink with a drainer, then also measure the length and width of the countertop fragment that the future sink may take. At the same time, keep in mind that if you are right-handed, then the fender should be on the right; if left-handed, it is better to choose the sink fender with a left-handed position—an example in the photo below.
And now the main recommendations: On the sides, the sides should not be close to the wall, it is better to maintain a distance of about 5 cm, that is, if the cabinet frames are 50 cm wide, then you can install a sink with a bowl width (or diameter) (excluding the wing) no more than 45 cm; The sink should also not be more than 5 cm adjacent to the front edge of the countertop. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable – clothes may wet and spray water.
The kitchen sink can be installed close to the back wall, that is, to the apron, but it is better not to do this. If you leave a distance of 5 cm or more, it will be easier to wipe the area so that water does not accumulate. This is especially true for sinks without a hole for installing a mixer;
If you want to choose an overhead sink, you need to find the dimensions exactly under the cabinet’s dimensions.
Ergonomics in the Kitchen
Food preparation should be clear and fast. This is primarily affected by the location of kitchen furniture and appliances. Following the principles of ergonomics, kitchen equipment must be arranged depending on the order of work, that is, from left to right: refrigerator, dishwasher, sink, stove, and between them work surfaces with cupboards.
The minimum distance between individual devices should be:
- 40 cm between the refrigerator and the sink, as well as between the sink and the stove,
- 40 cm between refrigerator and stove.
For right-handed people, it is most convenient to place the separate workspaces from right to left. The sink should be on the right and the drying on the left in terms of the sink.
It is best if the sink is mounted near a connection to the water supply and sewerage system.
The drain system at the sink is made of pipes and siphons with a 40 and 50 mm diameter.
When choosing a kitchen sink, you should pay attention to the following factors:
- Roominess. It is determined by the number and size of daily washed dishes.
- Functionality. It is determined by the nature of the work carried out in the kitchen, the number of other bowls in the sink, and wings for drying. If you have to carry out several personal manipulations in the sink simultaneously, then these compartments will be very useful.
- Ease of use. It is good while standing comfortably and working at the sink.
- Stability and durability. These parameters determine the material from which the sink is made.
- Combination with the interior of the kitchen. The sink should match the style, design, colors, and, of course, the entire kitchen’s size.
In terms of installation, there are two main types of sinks:
- applied to the kitchen cabinet (overhead),
- Built into the kitchen countertop (mortise).
When installing built-in sinks, it is necessary to precisely cut a hole in the countertop for the chosen sink. In the case of shavings, this is not a big problem, but if the worktop is made of stone, conglomerate, or composite, you cannot do without special cutting tools.
Tools Needed To Install the Sink
Suppose you have to work with a headset with a common countertop or separate modules that allow the installation of flush-mounted household appliances. In that case, you need to have the following tools with which you can install a kitchen sink with your own hands:
[amazon box=”B00OJ72LHK”]
Electric drill
[amazon box=” B0046ZRYPE”]
Drills for wood
[amazon box=” B00LLGRQZY”]
Set of screwdrivers
[amazon box=” B07RGBWH6H”]
[amazon box=” B00FKVY57I”]
[amazon box=” B071JM699B”]
[amazon box=” B07N777XWH”]
Rubber compressor
[amazon box=” B003MBKH8Y”]
Silicone Sealant
[amazon box=” B0047GQWFU”]
We believe you have learned a lot regarding these topics on how deep is a kitchen sink and other relevant topics discussed in the articles.
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